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Reclaim your Nascent PC Series : Part 1

Started your system and now sitting before your system and waiting for loading its services and applications (in simple language taking too long to start) takes little longer and it irritates too when you want to do your work quickly.
Sounds similar…
It occurs when you have installed application and softwares in a large number and these application makes their places in windows startup list.
Obviously too many applications in startup, too much time to boot completely.
Here is a way to get rid off from this problem and it requires not any software.

Step 1 : Press Win+R key and Run window will appear. Type “msconfig” without quotes and hit OK.

Step 2 : Go to startup tab and uncheck irrelevant and unnecessary applications from here.

Step 3 : Now simply click Apply,OK and new dialogue Box will open with two options.
“Restart” and “Exit without restart”
choose as per your wish. And now you are done.

Enjoy your system with better performance. :D

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