this post I am starting Tech-Jargon series which will give you a brief
overview of terminology and concepts in simple manner.
I find many of my friends and juniors confusing between the dataspeed
i.e. kbps and KBps. Firstly the important question arises whether there
is any difference between these two terms?
For your surprise the answer is YES.
Before going into explanation let’s make few terms clear to feel the thing.
b = bit (the most basic unit a computer handles)
B = byte (1 byte = 8 bits)
K = 1,024 ; k= 1,000
now I think , many things are pretty much clear. In normal adaption
both “K” and “k” are considered as same because “K” is recently
introduced and faces low adoption (also there is not much difference in
the basic difference is clear by their full form that are "kbps/Kbps -
kilobits per second" and "kBps/KBps - KiloBytes per second".
any ISP claims to provide the data transfer speed in Mbps it simply
means Megabits per second. In other words, for a 1Mbps broadband
connection, it will take minimum 8 seconds (1000/125KBps)
to download a 1 MB (megabyte) file from the internet. Most Broadband
companies define 1K as 1,000 and not as 1,024 which is the used for
computing. So next time you are looking in to your internet speed do
keep this in mind.
General Transformation of Speed |
so the overall general conclusion is that whenever you have speed in Mbps or mbps,
divide that by 8 and that will be your original downloading speed.
I hope you have made your doubts clear and enjoyed this info-ride.
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